Our sensei strategies are based on NFT holdings. Each user can only get one NFT and it is used to describe their position. The NFT ID of a user is simply their address in felt/number format.
config() -> StrategyConfig
interface StrategyConfig {
// this is the token used by user to make the deposit (e.g. ETH)
main_token: ContractAddress,
main_offset: u128, // decimal offset used to handle shares
// internal token used by strategy to do looping (e.g. USDC)
secondary_token: ContractAddress,
secondary_offset: u128
Get holdings by user address:
let token_id = starknetjs.num.getDecimalString(userAddr);
let position = strategyContract.describe_position(token_id);
// Expected output:
// @returns (Position, PositionDescription)
// Position shows the shares of user relative to other user positions
// Each share corresponds to one step of the looping action (i.e. supply/borrow)
interface Position {
acc1_supply_shares: u256,
acc1_borrow_shares: u256,
acc2_supply_shares: u256,
acc2_borrow_shares: u256
interface PositionDescription {
// shows the expected value of user position in main token terms
// This is probably the most important value a user cares
estimated_size: u256,
// below show the split of holdings in respective token terms
deposit1: u256, // in main token
borrow1: u256, // in secondary token (used to loop)
deposit2: u256, // in secondary token
borrow2: u256, // in main token